You are currently viewing 5 Reasons to Use Math Workshop in Middle School
5 reasons to use math workshop in middle school
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What do you see when you imagine a middle grade math classroom? Are the desks in rows or in groups? Are they using textbooks or playing math games? Is the teacher writing on the chalkboard while the students furiously copy down notes or are they meeting in small groups? Using Math Workshop in middle school was one of the best decisions I could have made and once you give it a try, you and your students will agree!

Maybe you feel like you don’t have enough time to teach all the math curriculum. Maybe you are noticing that by the time your students get to middle school their love of math has taken a hit. Math Workshop might be the solution for you! (Download this free mini-math workshop and then check out this post for an overview of what Math Workshop is all about). But, wait. Isn’t that something elementary teachers do? Is it just math centres? Why should you even add something else to your already overflowing teacher plate?

Because it makes a difference.

Math Workshop allows you to…

  • Differentiate instruction
  • Reach different learning styles
  • Increase engagement
  • Improve independent work AND collaboration skills
  • Build stronger relationships with your students

And really, isn’t that the goal?

5 reasons to use math workshop in middle school pin

1. Differentiate Instruction

Our students come to us with such a wide range of abilities and previous experiences with Math. Being able to meet with a small group of students allows you to Intervene with students who are struggling with certain concepts. They don’t get lost in the sea of 8th graders who are so desperately trying to blend in and not be noticed.

You can also target your instruction for the students on the other end of the continuum. Those students who need a bit of a challenge can be presented with a slightly different task that will get them thinking outside of the box.

quote about differentiated instruction

2. Appeals to Different Learning Styles

There are so many different ways to make sense of math. Using math workshop in middle school really lends itself to reaching different learning styles. 

Students who need direct instruction get it from guided math. 

Those who are kinesthetic learners thrive with the hands-on activities and games. 

Students who learn better at their own pace love the technology piece. 

Students who need repetition benefit from the extra practice.

3. Keeps Students Engaged

At the beginning of Grade 8, my students wanted textbook work because it was more comfortable. Their parents wanted textbook work because it would prepare them for high school. I wanted engaged learners who think deeply and understand why the math makes sense. And I wanted them to have fun. 

Math Workshop brings the fun. It gives them the practice they need but it’s also social. They get to work with their friends.

Math Workshop Activity

4. Encourages Independence & Collaboration

What do middle schoolers want? Independence! How do they want to achieve independence? By being with friends! This is confusing. Math Workshop gives students that independence.

They can go about the tasks without a teacher hovering over them. Collaboration is built right in which enables them to work with their classmates and get that social interaction they love so much.

5. More Quality Time

In a class of 31 students, one-on-one time is precious. Being able to meet with a small group of students each week is necessary to build relationships and classroom community. (Check out this post for more community building ideas).

quote about teachers being challenged

Of course it takes some effort. Of course it takes some planning. But I’m here for you! 

Once you’ve given Math Workshop a try, send me a DM on Instagram to let me know how it’s going or to ask me any questions.
